Chaparral Model 244 Sunesta of 2012, registered under Venezuelan flag with its documentation up to date. Fiberglass helmet with Mercruiser Motor 350 Mag 2.20 Bravo 3 of 300 horsepower with approximately 150 hours; It has a tank with fuel capacity for 228 liters and reaches a speed of 25 knots. Delete: 6.65 meters, manga: 2.55 meters and strut: 1.28 meters. Command console located next to the starboard equipped with VHS Radio Garmin brand, watchmaking, magnetic compass, Girocompás, GPS Garmin 546s and Ecosanda. With capacity for 14 people and storage of 38 liters of water, upholstery of white, gray and navy blue in perfect condition as well as the tubular structure and the canvas of the awning. It has fenders, life jackets, portable fire extinguisher, bow caps, toolbox, first aid kit and electric achique pump.